How to Get Chris Lake, Fisher, and John Summit to Listen to Your Music

Are you an aspiring musician with a dream of having your music heard by prominent artists like Chris Lake, Fisher, and John Summit? What if we told you that these artists own their music labels, providing you with a unique opportunity to get noticed? In this article, we'll guide you on how to take advantage of this chance and submit your music directly to Chris Lake's Blackbook Records, Fisher's Catch and Release, and John Summit's Expert Only Records.

Importance of Music Labels

Music labels play a crucial role in the music industry, supporting and promoting artists' careers. When artists like Chris Lake, Fisher, and John Summit own their labels, it offers a direct avenue for aspiring musicians to submit their music for consideration.

1. Blackbook Records (Chris Lake's Label)

Blackbook Records is the brainchild of the talented and influential artist, Chris Lake. As the owner of this cutting-edge music label, Chris Lake aims to create a platform that fosters innovation and creativity in the electronic music scene. The label is known for its eclectic mix of electronic genres, ranging from deep house to tech-house and beyond. With a passion for discovering fresh talent, Chris Lake actively seeks out aspiring musicians who bring a unique flair to their music. Blackbook Records prides itself on nurturing artists and guiding them through their musical journey, allowing them to reach new heights in their careers. For emerging producers, submitting their music to Blackbook Records represents an incredible opportunity to catch the attention of one of the industry's brightest stars.

2. Catch and Release (Fisher's Label)

Catch and Release is the brainchild of the legendary DJ and producer, Fisher. With an infectious passion for tech-house and a drive to share his musical vision with the world, Fisher founded this label as a platform for groundbreaking electronic music. The label's name itself embodies the spirit of Fisher's music—catchy and irresistible, leaving a lasting impact on listeners. As an artist-owned label, Catch and Release welcomes aspiring musicians who share Fisher's love for electrifying beats and groovy basslines. The label is renowned for pushing boundaries and bringing fresh sounds to the forefront of the dance music scene. Submitting music to Catch and Release offers artists a chance to be part of a label that has redefined dance music and continues to shape its future.

3. Experts Only Records (John Summit's Label)

Formerly known as Off the Grid Records, Expert Only Records has undergone a transformative evolution while retaining its commitment to pushing the boundaries of music. Originally founded by the exceptionally talented DJ and producer, John Summit, this label has consistently broken away from conventional norms to create exceptional music that stands out in the industry. With a history rooted in innovation and a mission to showcase the diverse and dynamic landscape of house music, Expert Only Records has continued to be a beacon for fresh talent and captivating dancefloor experiences. While the name may have changed, the essence of excellence and creativity in music production remains at the core of what is now known as Expert Only Records.

Preparing Your Music for Submission

Before submitting your music, ensure that your recordings are of professional quality. Invest time and effort into recording, mixing, and mastering your tracks. Craft a captivating demo that showcases your unique style and sound.

When submitting your music, make sure to follow the guidelines provided on each demo submission link. Craft a persuasive submission that highlights your strengths as an artist and explains why your music is a good fit for the respective label.

Utilizing Social Media and Networking

Having a strong online presence is essential for exposure. Connect with fellow musicians and industry influencers on social media. Engage with your audience and consider attending music events and workshops to expand your network.

Collaborating with other artists and producers can lead to fresh ideas and new connections. Reach out to potential collaborators and work on projects together.

Staying Persistent and Dedicated

The music industry can be challenging, but staying dedicated to your passion is essential. Embrace feedback, learn from setbacks, and keep improving your craft.

Celebrating Your Achievements and Progress

Acknowledge your successes, no matter how small. Celebrate milestones, and use them as motivation to continue working hard.

Submitting your music directly to the labels owned by Chris Lake, Fisher, and John Summit provides a fantastic opportunity for aspiring musicians. By researching the right label, preparing your music professionally, crafting persuasive submissions, utilizing social media, and staying dedicated, you increase your chances of getting noticed by these influential artists and labels.


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