Exclusive Interview with Fedde Le Grand

Fedde Le Grand, a luminary figure in the ever-evolving genre of House music, continues to leave an indelible mark on the electronic music landscape. With his latest release, "All Over The World 2023," Le Grand takes listeners on a mesmerizing journey that bridges the past and the present, infusing nostalgia with innovation. In an exclusive interview, he offers insights into his creative process, his musical philosophy, and the profound impact of his latest rework.

Congratulations on your new release, "All Over The World 2023"! Can you share the inspiration behind the rework and what makes it stand out to you most from your previous work?

To be honest, inspiration can come from anywhere. For "All Over The World 2023", It was a venture into my roots but with a modern twist. It's like bridging the gap between my past sounds and where I am now. What stands out is the nostalgia mixed with innovation.

The track's title implies a global perspective. Could you share how this theme resonates with you personally and how it's reflected in the music?

Well, even before I started playing around the world, I knew dance music was international, it’s what got me into it as a kid, soaking up so many different sounds from so many different producers, this track was about capturing that very essence. I wanted it to resonate with anyone, anywhere, as a sort of universal anthem.

Incorporating innovation into music is important. Were there any new technologies or techniques you experimented with while producing "All Over The World 2023"?

Always! It's important to keep evolving. This time around, I explored a few new production tools and techniques to really amplify the sound. I'm not one to stick too narrowly to one sound, so experimenting keeps things fresh for me.

Can you tell us about your journey into the world of electronic music? What initially drew you to this genre?

Well, electronic music and the whole vibe around it have always been a part of me. I remember, even as a kid, playing my parents music collection, listening to the radio as much as I could, it just resonated with me. When I was about 14, I began with my own mobile disco. I didn't set out dreaming of becoming a famous DJ at all, I was just happy doing what I was doing and then suddenly it happened! 

Collaboration is a big part of the music industry. Are there any artists you'd love to collaborate with in the future, and why?

There are so many talented artists out there, and I’ve worked with so many already. While I can't pinpoint one right now. I'm always open to working with anyone who's as passionate about pushing musical boundaries as I am.

Your performances at major festivals and events are renowned for their energy. How do you prepare for a live set, and what do you enjoy most about connecting with your audience?

Every performance has its own energy, but you can only do so much preparing for a set unless you know the crowd already. Getting on the decks and seeing the crown is when it really happens for me, there is nothing like it! The energy, the fun, and the connection — it's truly something else. There's nothing quite like seeing everyone lose themselves to the music, wherever in the world that it.

The music industry has seen significant changes with the rise of streaming platforms. How do you think these changes have affected both artists and the overall music landscape?

It's a double-edged sword. On one hand, it's easier for artists to share their music globally, but on the other hand, the sheer volume of music means you really have to stand out. The key is to keep evolving and staying true to your sound.

Balancing a successful music career with a busy schedule can be challenging. How do you find inspiration and maintain your creative drive amidst a demanding lifestyle?

It's always a dance between the chaos of touring and finding those quiet moments for creativity. Inspiration, well, it's a curious thing. It can strike you out of the blue or sometimes, you've got to seek it. Often, it comes from everywhere and yet from nowhere at the same time. Every day in the studio, every performance is a chance to create and connect. That's what keeps me going.

You've also ventured into running your own record label, Darklight Recordings. What led you to start the label, and what do you look for in artists you sign?

Starting Darklight Recordings was a natural progression after my years and partnership with Flamingo Recordings, back in the day.  As our visions began to differ, I felt the need to carve out my own space, and that's how Darklight came to life. It's become my main focus and pride. When it comes to signing artists, I seek authenticity and genuine passion. The soul behind the music comes way before any commercial appeal. We've curated a unique sound at Darklight, and with recent changes, I'm optimistic about our artists shining even brighter. It's an exciting journey ahead for sure!

Your remixes have become iconic in their own right. How do you approach remixing a track, and how do you make it your own while respecting the original?

Remixing is a balance between honouring the original and bringing your own twist. My goal is to honour the track's core while reshaping it into a version that carries my distinct trademark. It's a mix between originality and transformation, and that's the challenge and beauty of remixing.

The pandemic has had a profound impact on the music industry, particularly live performances. How did you adapt during this time, and do you think these adaptations will continue to influence your career moving forward?

It was a challenging time for everyone. I focused on studio work, engaging with fans online, and reflecting on the direction of my music. Adaptations? Definitely! It’s all about evolving with the times.

What's your take on the future of electronic music? Are there any trends or directions you're excited to explore within the genre?

Electronic music is always evolving. I’m excited about blending genres and pushing the sound further. There’s always something new to chase in music, and that's the beauty of it.

Outside of music, what are some of your other passions or hobbies?

Well, it’s no big secret that I am a Dad for the first time so that is definitely my biggest passion without even thinking about it. I love to travel (even outside of touring), enjoy good food, taking care of myself, and unwinding with my loved ones. It's about finding balance, and now, balancing my professional passions with the incredible journey of fatherhood has added a beautiful new layer to my life.

Any message for your fans and the readers?

Keep dancing, stay passionate, and remember, music is the universal language that connects us all. Love to all of you, and thank you for the continued support!

Fedde Le Grand is considered to be one of the most defining figures in the fast evolvinggenre of House music. His influence is felt continually throughout the electroniclandscape; Fedde’s beats, grooves, melodies and rhythmssurround us all and have donefor many years. He’sbeen credited countless awardsand remixed the biggest artistsaround-from Coldplay, Madonna, will.i.am, Robbie Williams, Everything But The Girl,Fatboy Slim, to Shakira, Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Faithless, and hisown all-time musicalinspiration Michael Jackson.He’sfeatured the top half of the acclaimed DJ Mag Top 100for well over a decade and has just returned to an incredible #22 after first entering atthe same position all the way back in 2007. LeGrand is here, to stay


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